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Tidy Up
A very simple game to help with mouse control and hand, eye co-ordination.

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On the first main menu screen click on either the New Game - Single Mouse Click button, or the New Game - Double Mouse Click button. The room buttons are then highlighted and you can click on any of them to visit that room. Once a room has been tidied up then a green tick will appear on the main menu screen next to the room and the name will appear on your certificate, which can be viewed at any time by clicking on the Certificate scroll which appears in the bottom right corner. Once tidied up, a room will stay tidy and this will be saved automatically. If you want to start a new game just click on one of the new game buttons on the main menu screen. Clearing Up A Room Clicking on any room button once highlighted will take you to that room whether it has been tidied up or not. If there is no green tick next to the room on the main menu, then you will find an untidy room with objects in it to tidy away. When you move your mouse pointer over an object, the pointer will turn into a hand if that object can be tidied away. When this happens you can click on that object and it should then move to its proper place, Mary Poppins style! In some rooms you will find that some objects will not move when you first click on them. This is because something else needs to be tidied away first before this object. Hints are provided for each room below if you get really stuck. Each room has a different number of objects to tidy away and this is shown in the top grey bar along with a running total of the objects you have cleared up, shown in blue on the right. When you have tidied up a room, a button will appear at the bottom of the screen which will allow you to move to the next room. You can also move to any other room by clicking the Main Menu button at the bottom of each screen. The Hall 6 objects here which can be tidied away in any order. The Living Room 15 objects here. Hint: The videos will need to be placed in the video drawer before you can close it. The Dining Room 20 objects here. Hint: The table mats can only be moved once the plates have gone. The mat drawer will not close until both mats are in it. The CD boxes will not move until the CD's are in them. The Kitchen 20 objects here. Hint: The water in the sink will not go until you have washed the dishes. The dishes and the cutlery also have to be clicked on once they have been washed up. The cutlery drawer will not close until the cutlery has been put away. The Bathroom 10 objects here. Hint: Click on the tap water to stop the bath filling up. You can then click on the bath water to empty the bath. The Bedroom 18 objects here. Hint: The board game can only be tidied in the right order i.e. game board in the box, lid on the box, whole game to shelf. The rings can also only be tidied in the right order starting with the big red on. Once all the rings are on the ring holder then the whole thing can move into the toy box. Remember the bed covers in this room.
  • Online learning
  • Mouse skills
  • Tidy up
  • Computer skills
Date added: 2011-09-22 17:20:12 CDT
Times played: 2106

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