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Rock Rush
Fresh off the code press from us at **Retrocade** is //Rock Rush//, our very own Flash version of the classic //Boulder Dash//! Dig through bug-infested caves dodging boulders, triggering magic walls, and collecting diamonds until you have enough to open the exit. But it doesn't stop there. Depending on which version of Rock Rush you play there may be even more challenging elements to figure out before those gems come within your grasp... Taking a variety of the simpler elements from Boulder Dash and its popular Amiga successor Emerald Mine, this levelset is made up of both introductory levels and some more challenging puzzles to get you warmed up for future sets. Get your thinking cap on and let the nostalgia flow over you!

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Cursor keys - movement Z - snap nearby dirt or diamond S - Toggle Sound Effects M - Toggle Musc Esc - Open pause menu
  • Retro
  • Pixel
  • English
  • Pixelart
  • Underground
  • Polish
  • Multilingual
  • Many languages
  • Boulder dash
  • Emerald mine
Date added: 2011-08-22 14:47:52 CDT
Times played: 4353

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