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Rally Cross
Race, skid and slide between rocks and trees against the clock.

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Your car will appear just under the start line. You can move your car using the arrow keys on your keyboard. Press the Up arrow to move forwards. Keeping the Up arrow key pressed, press the Left arrow key to move left and the Right arrow key to move right. Pressing the Down arrow key will allow you to move slowly backwards. Using these keys, move around the track trying to avoid any trees or rocks and the red and white edge barriers. The idea is to race around the track in as fast a time as possible. Your time is recorded in yellow at the bottom of the screen on your 'dashboard'. The track is divided into sectors and this is also shown on your dashboard in blue. Each sector of track you cross, adds 1 to this figure. If you go on the scrub land and miss out any sections of track then these will be added as time penalties at the end. At the end of your timed run a total time figure will appear in green less any penalty time points. On the onscreen 'dashboard' there are three engine type buttons. These are GL, GTi and Turbo. Try each of these to see which is a comfortable speed for you. There are no penalties for choosing different engines for your car. Once you have done a timed run you can continue practising. Click the Re-start Timed Run button at any time to have another go at a timed run. When you have a fast time, click the Leader Board button to be added to the fastest times leader board. Also on your 'dashboard' is a button to turn the background music off and on.
  • Racing Game
  • Rally
  • Car game
  • Cross country
  • Car racing game
  • Car driving game
Date added: 2011-05-11 23:32:29 CDT
Times played: 3352

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