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Fidi 1.1
Fidi is a fresh take on the classic Snake game. In version 1.1 the game has been updated to include new gorgeous graphics. The aim of the game is to get the highest score possible which can be submitted to the worldwide leaderboards. Fidi is an ad based free-to-play Flash game and a low cost iPhone game, with specific changes between the platforms. The Flash version has two different control modes, and implements Mochi Ads and Mochi Social for leaderboards. The iPhone version was designed ground-up for the platform, and is controlled completely via the accelerometer, it implements the OpenFeint social system and is advert free

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Use the left and right arrow keys to control the Snake! Avoid the red circles, pick up the blue squares to grow longer and loop the red circles to score multiplier points. Press space to pause the game.
  • Fun
  • Games
  • Snake
  • Flash
  • Fidi
  • PercyPea
  • IPhone
  • 3D Rally Racing
  • Causal
Date added: 2010-04-16 13:38:20 PHT
Times played: 4286

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