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Circles Circling Circle
Space game where your objective is to get the highest score possible by a combination of reflexes and patience. And insanely big combos.

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Click anywhere on the screen to move the ship in the opposite direction. Press \"R\" during the game to make the ship move towards the cursor. Press \"R\" again to change back to the default. Kill the enemy circles with the forward fire, the spiral fire or even with your thrusters! Your firepower can be increased by killing circles or just by surviving long enough. When you kill an enemy your bonus increases by one. Each time you hit an enemy the bonus is added to your score. Big chains are a must! If you don't kill a circle in 3 seconds your bonus resets to 1. Press \"B\" to turn blur on/off.
  • Space
  • Highscore
  • Asteroids
  • Trippy
Date added: 2010-03-25 11:53:17 MDT
Times played: 4127

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