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The Fae's Wyrd
The Fae's Wyrd is a retro-inspired party-based RPG. It uses a mix of Diablo's treasure system and a roguelike random level generator with a Final Fantasy-like combat system. Randomly generated treasures and levels to provide a new experience every game.

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Arrows to walk around. Mouse for everything else. Start a New Game and create a party of four adventurers. It is recommend having an an offensive character with a bonus to damage, an defensive character with a bonus to dodge, a light magician with healing, and a dark magician with lightning to start. Once started, you can use options to turn off the music and sounds, although we think the music and sound adds to the atmosphere of the game. You don't gain experience from klling monsters, but you can get better items. Be on the look out for elemental shards, which you can use to increase your characters' power. I recommend adding shards to your casters to start with, especially Air or Fire shards to your dark magic caster. Try to specialize each character to start with, then branch out as you feel the characters can handle the challenge. Note that you can quit and reload the game to heal up your characters to full if you take too much damage. If things are a bit too difficult, you might try fighting some monsters and then quitting/reloading to improve your gear and get some more shards. Or avoid battle and look for unguarded chests for loot. The game is effectively infinite, but the difficulty curve will hit maximum at around level 50.
  • Retro
  • RPG
  • Loot
  • Fantasy
  • Dungeon
  • Roguelike
Date added: 2011-04-06 12:33:02 CDT
Times played: 3905

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