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Air hockey tournament
English Description: Air hockey: Tournament, is a classic game of air hockey. In campaign mode: You have to go defeating each of the 10 opponents at different scenarios to consecrate tournament champion. In quick match mode: You play just for fun, you can choose from three levels of difficulty, easy, normal or hard. ---- Spanish description: Air hockey: Tournament, es un juego clásico de air hockey. En el modo campaña: Tienes que ir derrotando a cada uno de los 10 contrincantes en sus distintos escenarios para consagrarte campeón del torneo. En el modo partido rápido: Juegas solo para divertirte, puedes elegir entre 3 tipos de dificultad, fácil, normal o dificil.

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English: Use the mouse to move and hit the puck. Spanish: Usa el mouse para moverte y golpear el disco.
  • Sport
  • Tournament
  • Air Hockey
Date added: 2013-03-27 21:47:34 CDT
Times played: 2680

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