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MicroVenture 1: Ratlings
This is a short game where the objective is to simply destroy a lair of Ratlings which has been plaguing the area. While this first game in the series focuses on melee combat it also includes some extra elements added to the game including healing potions, treasure, basic fixtures such as furniture and a small information system to allow the player to learn some details about the dungeon they are exploring.

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Use the arrow keys for movement. Diagonal movement is possible. Collide with items to pick them up. The item you are currently equipped with is displayed at the bottom of the screen. To equip different items that you have in your possession press the “Z” key. To use the item you currently have equipped press the “SPACE BAR”. To attack a monster make sure you have a weapon equipped (by pressing the “Z” key if needed), face the monster then press the SPACE BAR while standing close enough to the monster to hit it with the weapon. To drink a potion make sure a potion is equipped (by pressing the “Z” key if needed) the press the SPACE BAR. The life bar above the character indicates how much health the character has.
  • RPG
  • Action
  • Combat
  • Exploration
  • Adventure
Date added: 2011-01-29 05:46:04 PHT
Times played: 4485

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