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Joe's Minor Adventure
Joe's Minor Adventure is a highscore driven action packet arcade game. You control Joe riding on a mining cart. The game constantly scrolls downwards and you need to dodge different obstacles that are on the tracks. There are different type of obstacles and which you can jump over to avoid them. You will also be faced with incoming trains which require you to change tracks to avoid them. You can also alternatively use one of the three abilities you have in your disposal. Smash through everything or just ghost through them and even slow down time to make it to that track turning point to avoid incoming trains. While doing all that don't forget to look for gold bags lying on the tracks. Collect them for extra score. When you do crash you can submit your score to a highscore table.

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Arrow keys to move. Space to jump. A to toggle Ghost mode. S to toggle Armored mode. D to toggle Timeslow mode.
  • Arcade
  • Cart
  • Mining
  • Wild west
Date added: 2010-03-13 12:59:57 MST
Times played: 4409

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