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Burger Game
Today is going to be your lucky day, your going to learn a simple cooking burger recipe. The ingredients are ready, you can find them in the kitchen cabinet, there are in the right order, you just have to take them and place them into the burger. Choose your favorite ingredients in order to make a delicious burger, you can choose between cheddar cheese, red onion, pepper, salad, meat, chicken or other ingredients that you prefer. You can also try mixing them up, see if you can create your own unique recipe of Burger. After you are done with preparing the burger, you can play with the decorations so you can show your friends what a good chef you are.

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This game is played with mouse only.
  • Cooking games
  • Recipe games
  • Burger cooking
  • Burger game
  • Burger Recipe
  • Girl cooking games
Date added: 2011-04-22 11:08:19 CDT
Times played: 3397

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