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Crystal Runner
Non-trivial arcade game with new gameplay twists and astonishing graphics. Mix of old classic games such as Pacman, Pipeman and Bomberman.

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Black holes start to chase on you when you spot on his sight line. Try to weasel to escape from them. Note that holes can come into the castle. If hole start chasing you don't panic - you move faster then it. Even faster then its orbs. Use zoom(press Z). When level is begun zoom out it and see where coins and ship are located. Collect all coins, go to a ship and finish a level! Don't forget to use bombs(press X) they can help you to stop holes. Also try to rotate blue crytals to tangle them. Happy running!
  • Arcade
  • Coins
  • Crystal
  • Bombs
  • Runner
  • Pacman
  • Bomberman
  • Pipeman
Date added: 2010-12-30 02:13:42 PHT
Times played: 4459

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