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Massive War 4
In the year 2082 humans have colonized Mars and Pluto. Earth is no longer a prosperous planet, but is still a powerful military force. When scientist discover a distant naturally rich planet called the 'Bluegreen Planet' each planets sends their troops to battle for control over the new planet. Train soldiers and build military units and structures to overpower your opponents.

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Keyboard shortcuts: [Q] - fast forward to the left. [W] - fast forward to the middle. [E] - fast forward to the right. Click the icons to train units or use the [1..6] number keys. Click the formation buttons to change formations. Click the edge of the screen while scrolling to speed it up.
  • War
  • Tank
  • Soldier
  • Planet
  • Gun
  • Modern
  • Ship
  • Army
  • Warfare
  • Massive
Date added: 2012-05-27 01:11:47 CDT
Times played: 3363

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